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- Iturriza Gómara M, Simpson R., Perault A.M. , Redpath C., Lorgelly P., Joshi D., Mugford M., Hughes C.A., Dalrymple J., Desselberger U., Gray J. 2007. Structured surveillance of infantile gastroenteritis in East Anglia, UK: incidence of infection with common viral gastroenteric pathogens. Epidemiol & Infect: EPub ahead of print.
- Lorgelly PK, Joshi D, Iturriza Gómara M, Flood C, Hughes CA, Dalrymple J,Gray J, Mugford M. 2007. Infantile gastroenteritis in the community: a cost-of-illness study.Epidemiol Infect. EPub ahead of print.
- Lorgelly PK, Joshi D, Iturriza Gómara M, Gray J, Mugford M. Exploring the cost effectiveness of an immunization programme for rotavirus gastroenteritis in the United Kingdom. 2007. EPub ahead of print.
- Monica B, Ramani S, Banerjee I, Primrose B, Iturriza-Gómara M, Gallimore CI, Brown DW, M F, Moses PD, Gray JJ, Kang G.2007. Human caliciviruses in symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in children in Vellore, South India. J Med Virol. 79(5):544-51.
- Amar CF, East CL, Gray J, Iturriza-Gómara M, Maclure EA, McLauchlin J. Detection by PCR of eight groups of enteric pathogens in 4,627 faecal samples: re-examination of the English case-control Infectious Intestinal Disease Study(1993-1996).2007. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis May;26(5):311-23.
- Gladstone BP, Iturriza-Gómara M, Ramani S, Monica B, Banerjee I, Brown DW, Gray JJ, Muliyil J, Kang G. 2007. Polymerase chain reaction in the detection of an 'outbreak' of asymptomatic viral infections in a community birth cohort in south India. Epidemiol Infect. 24;1-7.
- Banerjee I, Ramani S, Primrose B, Iturriza-Gómara M, Gray JJ, Brown DW, Kang G. 2007 Modification of rotavirus multiplex RT-PCR for the detection of G12 strains based on characterization of emerging G12 rotavirus strains from South India. J. Med. Virol. Sep;79(9):1413-21.
- Banerjee I, Gladstone BP, Le Fevre AM, Ramani S, Iturriza-Gómara M, Gray JJ, Brown DW, Estes MK, Muliyil JP, Jaffar S, Kang G.2007. Neonatal Infection with G10P[11] Rotavirus Did Not Confer Protection against Subsequent Rotavirus Infection in a Community Cohort in Vellore, South India. J Infect Dis. 195(5):625-32
- Ramani S, Banerjee I, Gladstone BP, Sarkar R, Selvapandian D, Le Fevre AM, Jaffar S, Iturriza-Gómara M, Gray JJ, Estes MK, Brown DW, Kang G. 2007 Geographic information systems and genotyping in the identification of rotavirus G12 infections in an urban slum with subsequent detection in hospitalized children: Emergence of G12 genotype in south India. J Clin Micobiol45(2):432-7.
- Iturriza Gómara M, Gallimore CI, Gray J. 2007. Gastroenteric Viruses. in Foodborne Diseases, Ed S. Simjee. Humana Press, New Jersey. pp 215-232.
- Mustafizur Rahman, Jelle Matthijnssens, Xuelei Yang, Thomas Delbeke, Ingrid Arijs, Koki Taniguchi, Miren Iturriza-Gómara, Nadia Iftekharuddin, Tasnim Azim, and Marc Van Ranst 2007. Evolutionary history and global spread of the emerging G12 human rotaviruses J. Virol. 81: 2382-2390.
- Amar CF, East CL, Gray J, Iturriza-Gómara M, Maclure EA, McLauchlin J. Detection by PCR of eight groups of enteric pathogens in 4,627 faecal samples: re-examination of the English case-control Infectious Intestinal Disease Study(1993-1996).2007. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis May;26(5):311-23.
- Gladstone BP, Iturriza-Gómara M, Ramani S, Monica B, Banerjee I, Brown DW, Gray JJ, Muliyil J, Kang G. 2007. Polymerase chain reaction in the detection of an 'outbreak' of asymptomatic viral infections in a community birth cohort in south India. Epidemiol Infect. 24;1-7.
- Banerjee I, Ramani S, Primrose B, Iturriza-Gómara M, Gray JJ, Brown DW, Kang G. 2007. Modification of rotavirus multiplex RT-PCR for the detection of G12 strains based on characterization of emerging G12 rotavirus strains from South India. J. Med. Virol. Sep;79(9):1413-21.
- Rodrigues F, Iturriza M, Gray J, Januário L, Lemos L. 2007. Epidemiology of rotavirus in Portugal: G9 as a major cause of diarrhoea in non-hospitalised children. J Clin Virol. Sep 15; [Epub ahead of print].
- Banerjee I, Iturriza-Gómara M, Rajendran P, Primrose B, Ramani S, Gray JJ, Brown DW, Kang G.2007. Molecular characterization of G11P[25] and G3P[3] human rotavirus strains associated with asymptomatic infection in South India. J Med Virol. Nov;79(11):1768-74.
- Banyai K, Deak J, Gray J, Iturriza-Gómara M, Kovacs J, Konya J, Laszlo B,Martella V, Meszner Z, Mihaly I, Molnar P, Nyul Z, Patri L, Schneider F, Toth A, Szucs G.2007. EuroRotaNet - European rotavirus strain surveillance network has been Established. Orv Hetil. Oct 28;148(43):2043-5. Hungarian.
- Iturriza Gómara M, Simpson R., Perault A.M. , Redpath C., Lorgelly P., Joshi D., Mugford M., Hughes C.A., Dalrymple J., Desselberger U., Gray J. 2008. Structured surveillance of infantile gastroenteritis in East Anglia, UK: incidence of infection with common viral gastroenteric pathogens. Epidemiol & Infect: 136(1):23-33.
- Lorgelly PK, Joshi D, Iturriza Gómara M, Flood C, Hughes CA, Dalrymple J,Gray J, Mugford M. 2008. Infantile gastroenteritis in the community: a cost-of-illness study. Epidemiol Infect. 136(1):34-43
- Lorgelly PK, Joshi D, Iturriza Gómara M, Gray J, Mugford M. 2008. Exploring the cost effectiveness of an immunization programme for rotavirus gastroenteritis in the United Kingdom. Epidemiol Infect. 136(1):44-55